I have been painting casually since 1995, more seriously since 2014. For me it is all about the color and the process of creating something beautiful. I chose watercolors because of the way they have a mind of their own. I can’t completely control them and that’s good. I like the fact that art is subjective and I can’t “fix” a mistake. Those mistakes sometimes make the painting.
If I painted with oils or acrylics I would probably mess with a painting for years. By the way, did you know the Mona Lisa too Leonardo 7 years to paint and it probably still isn’t finished in his mind.
Virtually all of my paintings are available for purchase, I also enjoy doing commissions. The abstracts can be as large as 44.5″ x 96″. Give me a call or email me to discuss your art desires.
I had the pleasure to take a year plus of classes from local legend Hercel Stallard. I loved 2 of his stories in particular. the first he had submitted a painting into one show and it was rejected, the next show it WON! Just shows the subjective nature of art. The second he submitted a painting he had done in a one hour demo and it won. In other words just sling the paint and have fun. Very low stress creativity. That’s what I like.

He also taught me to use paint. I really like vibrant color. He demanded that I do so and I really appreciate it. He passed away in 2015. Go to his site and see what a wonderful painter he was. His Saturday morning class still gets together every week at Trends in San Marco. We are calling ourselves the First Coast Paint Slingers, we have fun, have instructors in every once in awhile and are open to others. We have a couple of spaces still.
As I said I have been painting since 1995 a little, so I have an archive page if you want to see anything and everything I have taken a picture of, been juried into a exhibition, framed, given away or sold. The good, the bad and the ugly.